May 5, 2019
The Death and Life of Jesus: The Source of our Hope
Life is hard and full of difficulties and uncertainty. Life can sometimes kick us while we’re down. And it really hurts. It makes it difficult to want to face the day. One thing that each of us have to remember is that our hope cannot be based in this world, but it must instead be in the one who shaped this world. Regardless of how good or bad my situation is, we need to continue to look to "The Source of our Hope"...
  • May 5, 2019The Death and Life of Jesus: The Source of our Hope
    May 5, 2019
    The Death and Life of Jesus: The Source of our Hope
    Life is hard and full of difficulties and uncertainty. Life can sometimes kick us while we’re down. And it really hurts. It makes it difficult to want to face the day. One thing that each of us have to remember is that our hope cannot be based in this world, but it must instead be in the one who shaped this world. Regardless of how good or bad my situation is, we need to continue to look to "The Source of our Hope"...
  • Apr 28, 2019The Death & Life of Jesus: Like Jesus
    Apr 28, 2019
    The Death & Life of Jesus: Like Jesus
    As humans, we naturally idolize actors, singers, authors, artists, and/or athletes. We may try to dress like them, act like them, train like them, & even eat like them. There are even shows shows about rich people and their wives who think they run the world. Although they may have some qualities that we desire, these people aren't who we should most be striving to be like. Listen in as we explore how we should strive to be "Like Jesus"...
  • Apr 21, 2019The Death and Life of Jesus: No Longer Condemned
    Apr 21, 2019
    The Death and Life of Jesus: No Longer Condemned
    It's Easter Sunday! It’s the day we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. All of history hangs on this one event. Everything before it was leading up to the cross and everything after it hinges on the cross. It was in this one moment in time that God provided the way for us to experience a personal relationship with Him and be forgiven of our sins. He took the punishment each of us should have endured. Listen in as we explore how each of us can choose to be "No Longer Condemned"...
  • Apr 14, 2019The Death and Life of Jesus: It was all In His Plan
    Apr 14, 2019
    The Death and Life of Jesus: It was all In His Plan
    In many ways we can relate to the disciples as they lived alongside Jesus. It must have been a great time, sitting at the feet of Jesus learning from Him over the course of three years. His teaching grew in depth as the disciples were ready to hear it. He wanted them to know the plan and the purpose of what He was doing. Yet it was hard for them to understand that the very plan Jesus was detailing for them included His death on a cross. Listen in as we explore how "It was all In His Plan"...
  • Apr 7, 2019Are You Stuck?: Press On
    Apr 7, 2019
    Are You Stuck?: Press On
    There is often a void in our life that the world is unable to fill simply because it was designed for God. Anything in this world that we pursue above God or instead of God in essence becomes our God. And whatever it is, (success, career, money, etc…) it will always be a poor substitute for the one true God who desires and intimate growing relationship with each of us. Listen in as we explore the subject of how we must "Press On"...
  • Mar 31, 2019Are You Stuck?: Growing Together
    Mar 31, 2019
    Are You Stuck?: Growing Together
    The process of our spiritual growth can be like a plant sometimes. With the abundance of Spiritual truth at our fingertips we can become saturated to the point that we really don’t have to grow deep roots in our faith. We go through the motions of the Christian life, post some uplifting verse on social media and move on with our lives. But if we were to really get down to it, we may discover that we really don’t have a root system that has been established through personal growth in our walk with God. Our growth in Christ depends on us allowing others to be involved in the process. Listen in as we explore "Growing Together"...
  • Mar 24, 2019Are You Stuck?: What Do You Choose?
    Mar 24, 2019
    Are You Stuck?: What Do You Choose?
    Becoming like Christ is a lifelong journey spiritual growth, obtaining wisdom, & growing. This growth can occur thru experience... whether that's personal experience or the experience of others. Listen in as we ask the question "What Do You Choose?"...
  • Mar 17, 2019Are You Stuck?: Striving for More
    Mar 17, 2019
    Are You Stuck?: Striving for More
    We can pursue many things in this life; Career, Success, Money, Recognition, Power, Prestige, Family, Relationships and many more, but God wants more for your life. Listen in as we explore the subject of "Striving for More"...
  • Mar 10, 2019Faith Foundations: We are Being Refined
    Mar 10, 2019
    Faith Foundations: We are Being Refined
    Sanctification is a big "churchy" word. What exactly does it mean & how does it work in the life of a believer? Listen in as we explore how God refines us as a believer...
  • Feb 24, 2019Faith Foundations: Redemption Changes Everything
    Feb 24, 2019
    Faith Foundations: Redemption Changes Everything
    Can you think back to a time when you were in need of grace? Even though it wasn't their fault, someone else showed you grace & covered for you. Jesus has done the same for each of us, shown us grace for every sin we've ever committed. Listen in as we explore how His "Redemption Changes Everything"...