Sep 8, 2019
Mission: To the World
Series: Mission
 Each of us have a role to play in proclaiming Jesus throughout the world. It is powered and influenced by how well we minister within the  areas of influence we have already addressed (Self, Family, Church, Community). Listen in as we explore our Mission to the World...
  • Sep 8, 2019Mission: To the World
    Sep 8, 2019
    Mission: To the World
    Series: Mission
     Each of us have a role to play in proclaiming Jesus throughout the world. It is powered and influenced by how well we minister within the  areas of influence we have already addressed (Self, Family, Church, Community). Listen in as we explore our Mission to the World...
  • Sep 1, 2019Mission: To Our Community
    Sep 1, 2019
    Mission: To Our Community
    Series: Mission
    Our mission was never meant to be confined within the family or the church ... it was meant to impact our community as well! Listen in as we explore our Mission to the Community...
  • Aug 25, 2019Mission: To & Through the Church
    Aug 25, 2019
    Mission: To & Through the Church
    Series: Mission
    Why does the church seem lifeless sometimes? Why does it seem to be routine or lack some of its power? It can often be linked back to a failure to fulfill the mission to one another and to the world daily. Listen in as we explore our Mission "To & Through the Church"...
  • Aug 18, 2019Mission: To Our Family
    Aug 18, 2019
    Mission: To Our Family
    Series: Mission
    God instituted the family to be our first mission field. We cannot serve God effectively outside our family if we don’t first minister to our family. Listen in as we explore the importance of ministering to your family...
  • Aug 11, 2019Mission: Burning Ones
    Aug 11, 2019
    Mission: Burning Ones
    Series: Mission
    There was a recent study by the Barna Group that stated 50% of Millennial Christians believe it is wrong to share their Christian beliefs with someone in the hope that they will accept Christ. 73% of Gen X, 81% of Baby Boomers believe it is the responsibility of all believers to share their faith in the hope that people will come to Christ. Who should be sharing their faith? Listen in as we explore the subject of "Burning Ones"...